
Hyatt loves to build things (Dec 2009)

Hyatt loves to build things (Dec 2009)
Today's medium of choice: KNEX

fall 2009--trip to the dump!

fall 2009--trip to the dump!
Gotta clear away some of this foliage around the yard

Thursday, January 28, 2010

It's the end of January, and one of my goals this year was to figure out this blogging! Never mind that I started a page a couple of years ago and haven't done anything. I hope this will be the beginning of a new way for me to do some fun family history and reach some important goals, (which includes being a better writer). My sister Jennifer, my sister-in-law Lara Updike, and my mother-in-law Chris are really good writers. So is my husband and my daughter Amanda. My kids are all pretty good writers and artists--even my 6-year-old is amazing.


  1. Whoopee! You're officially off the bottom of my blog roll since you updated. :-) Look forward to seeing more. BTW, Hyatt looks a lot like Brigham in that picture! xoxo

  2. Oh, we miss you so much!! Thanks for stopping by and visiting our blog - it's such a great way to stay connected and do some family history at the same time. We're looking forward to seeing lots of great pics from you... love the tree in the back of the truck!
    Leah's spelling bee trophy is still in the office at the school. What should we do with it?? You need to come visit and pick it up!!!! (and bring Brigham this time!!)
    Love ya,
